Hit the Shift Button

Why isn't this working?!

I have screamed that many times in my life. Every time I attempted to do something, it wouldn't produce the results I wanted. It was in these moments that I wanted to throw in the towel and give up. Thank God I didn't.

I know you're frustrated, feel like crying, and want to throw a few things around the room. I know I want to at times. Let me share this: It's okay to cry. It's in my crying moments that I came to this revelation after a lot of prayer and journaling:

The method may change but the purpose remains the same. Hit the switch button. 

You are equipped with so many gifts and talents. Develop a different strategy to achieve whatever goals you've set for yourself. It is imperative to have at least three journals: one for personal devotions, one to vent, and one for your business/career aspirations. (GT Tip).


Adjust, Revisit, Remain


Effective and Affective Decisions