Breath and Breakthrough

Hello everyone! I am praying that your December has been filled with love, joy, peace, and abundance. I wanted to come on and encourage you to do the following: Breathe and Breakthrough.

You may be wondering what I am talking about by breathing and breaking through. Know that I got you and by the end of this blog you will understand. Stay with me for a few moments.

BREATHE: 2023 has been a year of ebbs and flows, mountains and valleys, and some may even call it a roller coaster. This has occurred in all of our lives personally and professionally and it seems like we can’t catch a break. It is in this moment that we have to stop and breath. We often hold our breaths when life keeps punching us in the gut thinking it will soften the blow.

Know that when you breathe you give yourself the opportunity to release what knocked you down and breathe in what you desire and deserve. This is a good time to identify the things you feel you desire and/or deserve so that you know what you are accepting in your spirit when you begin to breathe. Identifying these things are allowing you to step into my next topic: BREAKTHROUGH!

BREAKTHROUGH: the working definition of this word is as follows “a sudden advance especially in knowledge or technique; an important discovery or event that helps to improve a situation or provide an answer to a problem.” As you continue to breathe you will find yourself having sudden advances that will improve your situation. Does it happen overnight? No it doesn’t. I wish it did because we wouldn’t have to hold our breaths to absorb the blows of life. As you heal you discover things about yourself on the other side of your trauma that allow you to breakthrough.

Breakthroughs are not linear. Breakthroughs are attainable so when you are ready to improve the situations that you can control you should be able to identify your desires and goals you want to focus on. The situations that we are not able to control should cause us to take deeper breaths and remind ourselves that it will not always be like this and that the breakthrough we desire are on the way.

If you are unsure how to navigate how to do this please know you can book a session with me. I am here to assist in anyway I can. Please click the links below to book a session and/or to order my SHOOT YOUR SHOT journal to get you started

I look forward to connecting with you soon!

Coach Fredrika.


My Mental Health Looks Like This
